
Life Technology™ Medical News

Researchers Uncover FTO Gene's Role in Obesity and Muscle Growth

Study Links Fluoride Exposure to Child Cognition Decline

Researchers Explore Qualia Structure Paradigm for Sensory Equivalence

Higher Cervical Cancer Rates in Rural US Women

Diabetes Prevalence Stable, Glycemic Control Worsens

Bladder Wall Thickness Reflects IC/BPS Severity

Study: Chronic Kidney Disease Patients with Heart Failure Face Higher Dialysis Rates

Early Detection Vital for Colorectal Cancer Survival

Weight-Loss Drugs Wegovy and Zepbound Prices Slashed

Study Shows GIFs Improve Sleep of Female Soccer Players

Facing Intense Heat and Smoke: Challenges of Heavy Lifting

Pneumonia Cases Surge in Young Children

Hormonal Changes Impact Gum Health: Expert Advice

160 Measles Cases Reported Across Nine States

Pope Francis Absent from Christian Lenten Observations

England Launches National Campaign to Teach Children Proper Tooth Brushing

Dental Implants: Modern Solution for Missing Teeth

Cholera Outbreak Claims 100 Lives in Sudan's White Nile

Concerning Gap in School Readiness for Children with Low Birth Weight

Impact of Climate Variability on Infectious Disease Spread

Americans Unaware of Seed Oils: A Recent Discovery

Mayo Clinic Launches New Prion Test: Rt-Quic Prion, Csf

Study Links ITSN1 Gene Variants to Higher Parkinson's Risk

Transforming Human Genomic Data Sharing: FEGA Innovates

New Drug from UT Health San Antonio Extends Glioblastoma Survival

Surfers Chase Waves as Cyclone Alfred Hits Australia Coast

Australian Trial Shows Liquid Biopsies Maintain Colon Cancer Treatment Efficacy

Spring Forward: Clocks Set Ahead for Daylight Saving Time

UC Santa Cruz Neuroscientists Utilize AI to Study Brain Connectivity

Study Reveals Wealth and Education Impact on U.S. Heart Health

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Tohoku University Researchers Develop Greenhouse Gas Emission-Reducing Polymer

Nasa and Italian Space Agency: Lunar GNSS Receiver Milestone

"Stunning Image: Vibrant Spiral Galaxy NGC 5042 in Hydra"

Impact of Women in Aviation Leadership: Study Reveals Efficiency Trends

Studying Plant Protein PORCUPINE for Cold Resilience

The Dangers of Radiation in Long-Term Space Exploration

ESA and Airbus Install Solar Array Wings on NASA's Orion for Artemis II

Volunteers Reach 200,000 Classifications in Redshift Wrangler Project

Study Reveals Aromatic Baths' Impact on Teleworkers

Female Chimpanzees Outshine Males in Nest-Making

Ethnic Minority Graduates Face 45% Hiring Bias

New Parasite Threatens Native Fish in Tone River

Decline in Pollinator Diversity Threatens Plant Reproduction

Genus Heliconia: Half Face Extinction Threat

UN Warns US Role in Global Weather Prediction Amid Agency Layoffs

7% of U.S. Adults Witnessed Mass Shootings

Chilly Morning Study: Climate Researcher in East Anglian Fens

Study: Man-Made Climate Change Worsens Heat Wave in South Sudan

Partisan Views on Education and Diversity

Perseverance Team Overcomes Stubborn Engineering Challenge

Wolves Lose Protection in Europe, UK Objects

Physicists Uncover Hydrogen's Role in Superconductors

Innovative Forest Regeneration Model and Real-Time Analysis System

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Private Lunar Lander Fails Mission Near Moon's South Pole

Farming Myths and Cultural Traditions Vital for Cassava Survival

Earliest Human Coronavirus Structure Revealed

University of Oxford Study: Bird Song Evolution Insights

Unveiling Plant-Fungi Symbiosis: Insights by Prof. Dr. Caroline Gutjahr

Southeast Queensland and Northern NSW Brace for Tropical Cyclone Alfred

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Unveiling Object Details: Hyperspectral Imaging Reveals Invisible Insights

Innovative Robotics Concept Unveiled by University Researchers

Optimizing Manufacturing: Fast Titanium Alloy Production

Breakthrough Study on SrZrS3 Absorbers in Solar Cells

Robot Assists in Dish Cleaning, Gripper Slightly Off Target

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Optoelectronic Systems: Revolutionizing High-Speed Communication

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Spain Faces Pressure to Reverse Nuclear Phase-Out

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Indonesia Approves Local Certificates for Apple Products

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"Science Photographer Felice Frankel Enhances MIT Visual Communication"

Balancing Battery Electrolytes for Optimal Performance

Photovoltaic System Performance in Northern Conditions

Healthcare.Gov Launch: A New Era in Government Technology

Hydrogen Sensor Accelerates Transition to Clean Energy

Albanian Authorities to Shut Down TikTok

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Saudi Scientists Boost Lithium Battery Power with Nylon

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Siemens to Invest $285 Million in US Manufacturing

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Chinese and French Team Boosts Solar Cell Efficiency

Global Impact: 80 Million Affected by Tremors

Government Efficiency Department Gains Access to Sensitive Databases

EV Market Leaders Tesla and BYD: Battery Analysis Reveals Secrets

Scientists Develop Advanced Augmented Reality Glasses

Trump Declares National Energy Emergency: Echoes Past Crises

Bridges in Philadelphia: Vital Connections for City Life

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Monday, 22 July 2019

Is New Zealand's food system unsustainable?

New research from Massey University's College of Health shows overwhelming support for sustainability characteristics to be included in the Eating and Activity Guidelines for New Zealand Adults, set out by the Ministry of Health.


The opioid crisis: Drug overdose deaths are down for the first time in 30 years

Drug overdoses cause more deaths in the U.S. than gun violence, car accidents, or H.I.V. did when they reached their most lethal peaks. For almost three decades, the number of overdose deaths increased unabated. But, according to a recent government report, the U.S. experienced a slight decrease in overdose deaths last year, marking the first decline in drug mortality rates since 1990.


Genetic characteristics of peripheral artery disease

Peripheral artery disease (PAD)—a narrowing of the arteries serving the legs and feet —affects as many as 12 million Americans and 200 million people worldwide. It is a manifestation of clogged arteries, but until now, scientists lacked information about why some people with the disease presented with problems with their legs, some with their heart and some with strokes.


Wool odor could be key to protecting sheep from flystrike

A global research project led by The University of Western Australia in collaboration with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Western Australia has identified compounds in Merino sheep wool that are attractive to Australian blowflies.


Old vaccine brings new surprises

New research about an old vaccine—one that has been in use for nearly 100 years—has not only shown how effective it is but also suggests it improves our immune response to a wider range of bacteria than originally intended.


New software helps plant breeders bring out their best

Broccoli is in the eye of the beholder. A head of broccoli that might appeal to one person—perhaps because of its deep green color—may leave another cold, due to an asymmetrical shape or too-large buds.


Offspring of pregnant women exposed to high level of pollutants may have lower IQs

A new study found that pregnant women exposed to higher levels of air pollutants had children with lower IQs, compared to the children of women exposed to lower levels.


Targeting old bottleneck reveals new anticancer drug strategy

The enzyme ribonucleotide reductase is a bottleneck for cancer cell growth. Scientists at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University have identified a way of targeting ribonucleotide reductase that may avoid the toxicity of previous approaches, informing focused drug discovery efforts.


Reducing the size and weight of medical MRI equipment by more than half

A team led by Dr. Seog-Whan Kim and Dr. Young-Sik Jo at the Superconductivity Research Center of the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute has developed a superconducting insulation technology that can significantly reduce the size and weight of medical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment.


More Basra water crises unless Iraq govt fixes 'failures': HRW

Human Rights Watch on Monday warned of a repeat of last year's deadly water crisis in Iraq's oil-rich southern province of Basra unless authorities correct decades of management failures.


Portugal wildfires '90 percent' under control

Huge wildfires that have ravaged a mountainous region of central Portugal and left dozens injured have been "90 percent" controlled, firefighters said Monday, but warned that strong winds could cause the flames to spread.


India launches historic bid to put spacecraft on Moon

India launched a bid to become a leading space power Monday, sending up a rocket to put a craft on the surface of the Moon in what it called a "historic day" for the nation.


New hard X-ray eclipsing polar identified

Using ESA's XMM-Newton and NASA's Swift spacecraft, astronomers have found that a hard X-ray source known as 2PBCJ0658.0-1746 is an eclipsing magnetic cataclysmic variable of the polar type. The finding, presented in a paper published July 11 on, makes the object one of only a handful hard X-ray eclipsing polars known to date.


Cuttlefish ink found promising for cancer treatment

Researchers have found that cuttlefish ink—a black suspension sprayed by cuttlefish to deter predators—contains nanoparticles that strongly inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors in mice. The nanoparticles consist mostly of melanin by weight, along with amino acids, monosaccharides (simple sugars), metals, and other compounds. The researchers showed that the nanoparticles modify the immune function in tumors, and when combined with irradiation, can almost completely inhibit tumor growth.


Audit: Hospitals put Native Americans at risk with opioids

Government hospitals placed Native American patients at increased risk for opioid abuse and overdoses, failing to follow their own protocols for prescribing and dispensing the drugs, according to a federal audit released Monday.


Heat and humidity grip East Coast as Midwest gets reprieve

The East Coast on Sunday sweated through another day of extreme heat and humidity as organizers in Boston canceled a benefit run, Delaware Civil War re-enactors got the day off and the New York Police Department implored residents to take it easy.


More ED visits because of alcohol, 175% increase in 25- to 29-year-olds seeking care

New research shows dramatically rising visits to emergency departments (ED) related to alcohol, especially for women, with a 175% increase in alcohol-related visits from young people aged 25 to 29. The article, published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal), shows increases in ED visits related to alcohol that are occurring much faster than overall ED usage.


School readiness impaired in preschoolers with ADHD symptoms, study finds

Preschoolers with symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are much less likely than other children their age to be ready for school, new research from the Stanford University School of Medicine has found.


Plasticizer interaction with the heart

Calling an ambulance during an emergency, emailing a breaking news or journal article before a 5 p.m. deadline and maintaining conditions during the fifth week of a 6-week lab study, without altering the light or temperature, requires electricity and translates into time, money and lives. During critical moments, we appreciate the tiny particles and ions in electric currents that power our phones, computers or laboratory equipment. We seldom think about the speed of these connections or potential disruptors when conditions are stable. The same applies to the electric currents, or electrophysiology, of our heart.


Study finds children with autism more likely to be bullied at home and at school

A major new study has found children with autism are more likely to be bullied by both their siblings and their peers, meaning that when they return from school, they have no respite from victimisation.


Failure to launch: Parents are barriers to teen independence

Something most parents don't want to hear from their teenager: I am not prepared to be an adult, and it's your fault.


Gun ownership linked to greater incidence of domestic homicides

A new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, published by Elsevier, reveals a unique and strong association between firearm ownership and the risk of domestic homicides. For each 10 percent increase in household gun ownership rates, the findings show a significant 13 percent increased incidence of domestic firearm homicide. The homicide risk differed across victim-offender relationships, with nondomestic firearm homicide rising only 2 percent among firearm owners.


More colorectal cancer cases are being diagnosed in younger patients

The incidence of colorectal cancer in adults younger than 50 years of age has increased in the United States since 1970. A new study published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, found that the proportion of adults diagnosed with colorectal cancer under age 50 in the United States has continued to increase over the past decade, and younger adults are diagnosed with more advanced disease.
